Sunday, January 29, 2012

Colo Claw Fish Vs Halo Goon: Straw Man Alert

This post is a story in which the protagonist and the first arguer is an ultra effeminate Colo Claw Fish named Kyro Sparkles Seymour and the antagonist and the second arguer is a Halo Apologist named Billy Hal Burton.  The logical fallacy that will be discussed in this particular post is known as the straw man fallacy.

Straw Man Fallacy
Straw Man: An informal logical fallacy that distorts and opponent's argument and later claims to defeat their opponent in a debate.  This is highly illogical because distorting things does not constitute addressing the actual points of an opposing argument.  Straw Men are used when an opponent has a strong argument in  order to distort and weaken the argument and claim victory.

First Arguer: Kyro Sparkles Seymour the Colo Claw Fish
Kyro says, "Billy Burton, Halo is nothing more than military propaganda designed  to entice young men and women to fight in pointless war.  The US Army and the Military Industrial Complex sponsors Halo.  Halo is nonstop violence and a mountain of feces at least as high as Mt Everest as the saying goes.  Violent videos like Halo and war toys like GI Joe teach violence, and I am trying to teach peace.  War is not a game and Halo treats war as if it were a game.  The reality is that war is nothing but pain and suffering, not fun and games.  Please try some healthier alternatives such as Avatar and Star Trek for example."  The video linked below contains more information that would be found in Kyro the Colo Claw Fish's strong argument against Halo.
The Second Arguer: Billy Hal Burton the Halo Goon
Billy erects the following straw man fallacy against Kyro, "Girly eel, you are trying to leave us defenseless against the enemy.  By being a peacenik, you give aid and comfort to the enemy.  You hate Halo only because you are an alien who wants to invade Earth.  I am not going to leave my homeland open to enemies as long as we can fight back!"
Kyro replied, "Billy, I do smell a logical fallacy, it is called a straw man fallacy.  You just lazily distorted my argument against Halo and all other forms of militainment.  A straw man is a lazy argument because it is so easy to distort things.  Militainment means any form of entertainment that promotes militarism,  and  that includes Halo.  I am not trying to leave you open to enemy attack, I am trying to help your species coexist and save humanity from itself.  John F Kennedy had it right when he said that mankind must put an end to war or else war would put an end to mankind.  I am trying to keep you guys from destroying yourselves."  Kyro the Colo Claw Fish is right and Billy the Halo Goon is wrong.

Here is a picture that sums up the right reaction to Billy's straw man:
Mr Spock says, "Straw Man Fallacies are highly illogical."

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